Victoria Day Facts

Victoria Day Facts
Victoria Day is a federal holiday in Canada, traditionally observed on the Monday preceding May 25th each year. It was observed in Canada for many years prior to the country's Confederation, to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday (who was born in 1819). It was declared an actual holiday in 1845 by the parliament of the Province of Canada. It wasn't until Queen Victoria died in 1901 that the holiday became a legal holiday. Victoria Day is not observed as a holiday in England, and is mostly a Canadian holiday however some parts of Scotland also observe the holiday.
Interesting Victoria Day Facts:
On Victoria Day 1854 approximately 5,000 Canadian residents gathered in Toronto in front of Government House to "give cheer" to Queen Victoria.
Other names for Victoria Day include May Long Weekend, May Run, May Two-Four, and May Long.
In Quebec, Victoria Day was called FĂȘte de Dollard until 2003. It was then officially changed by provincial legislation to National Patriot's Day.
Queen Victoria was known as the "Mother of Confederation".
In Great Britain they celebrated Empire Day on the same day that Canadians celebrated Victoria Day for many years. In 1958 Empire Day was renamed Commonwealth Day and it remained on the same day as Victoria Day until 1977, when it moved to March.
On Victoria Day in 1881 a large ferry named Victoria capsized near London, Ontario in Thames River. The passengers were returning from picnics at Springbank Park, and approximately 182 people died. This disaster became known as the Victoria Day disaster.
On Victoria Day federal protocol dictates that the Royal Union Flag should be flown at all federal government buildings from sun up until sun down.
Victoria Day is celebrated with a 21-gun salute in each provincial capital city and at the national capital city of Ottawa at noon.
Queen Victoria became queen when she was only 18 years old, when William IV died. She had to propose to her future husband Albert, because of her position.
During Queen Victoria's lifetime there were six assassination attempts on her life.
When Queen Victoria's husband died in 1861 she began wearing only black. She continued this for the rest of her life.
Queen Victoria and Albert had nine children, and eventually 34 grandchildren.
Victoria, British Columbia is named after Queen Victoria.
On Victoria Day celebrations in Canada include picnics, fireworks, games, music festivals, gun-salutes, barbecues, and parties.
Many people in Canada open their cottages on Victoria Day weekend, as it is seen as the beginning of cottage season.
Victoria Day marks the beginning of the summer season for many Canadians (and the end of winter), despite the fact that summer does not officially begin until a month later. Many Canadians go camping, head to their cottages, or host or attend a party of some sort.
Some Victoria Day celebrations across Canada include Victoria Day SpeedFest Weekend, Paddlefest, Upper Canada Village's birthday party for the queen, Kaslo May Days, Prairie Dog Great Train Robbery, Zip and Sip at Cypress Hills, and Scotia Bank's Blue Nose Marathon.

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